The American dollar finished the day up against foreign currencies 美元汇率今日收盘时有所上涨。
Investments in the U.S. money market have propped up the American dollar 对美国资金市场的投资扶持了美元。
Most recently women's rights activist Susan B Anthony and Native American Sacagawea appeared on dollar coins, but both coins quickly went out circulation. 最近的两次是女权主义活动家苏珊安东尼和印第安人莎卡嘉薇亚,她们出现在一美元硬币上,但这些硬币很快就不再流通。
Another cause of high oil prices is the weak American dollar. 油价居高不下的另一个原因就是美元疲软。
A weak American dollar had drawn hordes of shoppers from Brazil and other countries where tariffs make goods more expensive. 美元的贬值吸引了来自巴西和其他国家的大批购物者,因为关税原因,商品在那些国家比较昂贵。
The exchange which had been seven thousand of Chiang Kai-shek's dollars to one American dollar when I arrived in China was now up to three hundred thousand. 我刚到中国的时候,一美元可兑换蒋介石的法币七千元,现在涨到了三十万元。
With inflation and devaluation of the American dollar coming, we believe it is more dangerous to leave your money in US currency in American banks. 随着美国通货膨胀和美元贬值,我们认为把资金留在美国银行流通是很危险的。
Now the American dollar is fatigued and weak, but relatively parallel stability of CAD, we quote CAD quoted price to be able to let you have fixed price on the marketing. 急,和客人付款上的理解不同我们的本意是美金现在疲软,而CAD相对比较稳定,我们引用CAD报价可以让你们在销售上有个固定的价格。
Will you convert an American dollar check into French francs? 你能把一张美元支票转换成法国法郎吗?
Because it will take some time to adjust American current account, the dollar is expected to continually depreciate. 由于调整美国经常项目赤字需要时间,美元在今年将继续贬值。
But the American dollar keeps pouring in. 但是美金不停的涌进。
How much does one American dollar cost in zimbabwe? 一美元能兑换多少津元呢?
After outbreak of American subprime crisis, management on dollar assets faces more severe test in China's foreign exchange reserves. 美国次贷危机爆发后,中国外汇储备中的美元资产管理面临着更加严峻的考验。
On an American One Hundred Dollar Bill, There is a portrait of which American statesman? 美国人的百元大钞是富裕的象征,上面的头像是谁?
Dealers said continued concern about the American trade in balance helped lower the dollar's value. 商人们说对美国贸易均衡的继续关注有助于降低美元的价值。
Indeed, before the 1960s, when the American dollar was employing the gold standard, it was widely assumed that gold was the best store of value available to mankind. 事实上,在上世纪60年代以前美元仍采用金本位制的时候,人们普遍认为,黄金是人世间最好的保值工具。
The trend is influenced by American dollar weakness, but this is not the most important feature of the trend. 此趋势受到美元走弱的影响,但是这并不是此趋势最重要的特征。
There was also talk of repatriating some Chinese money that had been tied up in American dollar assets, including Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the troubled mortgage agencies; 近期也有说法称:中国将撤回部分被套的美元资产,这包括在麻烦缠身的房丽美和房贷美两家抵押公司的投资;
Curtis william, an American university student said after his art piece titled "the American flag" made OF130 dollar bills was stolen. 美国一名大学生克提斯威廉用130张美钞做成一件题为“美国国旗”的艺术作品,展出后不久作品被偷,他如是说。
With the yen nearing five-year lows against the American dollar this week, such trades may well continue. 本周,日圆兑美元接近五年来的最低,套息交易可以很好地持续。
Even now, it is helping to prop up the weak American dollar by buying large chunks of American debt. 即使是现在,中国也在通过购买大量美国债券来力挺美元。
However the uptrend in gold is moving differently from the movements in the American dollar. 但是黄金价格的上升趋势与美元的运行轨迹不同。
American Dollar in the Unbalanced Global Economics 全球经济失衡中的美元
Although the main reason that gold price is confined is due to a great decline of the need for gold as an investment tool, but even important impacts are from American stock market, US dollar exchange ratio, and American economy. 虽然金价走势受到制约的主要因素是黄金作为投资工具的需求量大幅削减,但更为重要的还在于美国股市、美元汇率以及美国经济的影响。
Reform direction of RMB exchange rate is to realize floating rate, to give up the exchange system of biting American dollar, and carry out the exchange rate system of objective region. 人民币汇率的改革方向是最终实现浮动汇率制度,应放弃钉住美元的汇率制度,实行单方面的以钉住美元为主的一揽子货币为中间对价的目标区汇率制度。
Dominance of the American Dollar and Its Influence on China 美元化问题及其对我国的影响
Since 1999, the exchange rate of Yen to American Dollar has kept falling. 自1999年以来日元美元的汇率,一直处于下趺状态。
A Note on Spot Rates of Exchange the American dollar keeps going low; 关于即期汇率的诠释美元汇率持续走低;
In North American, USA dollar has consolidate the role of international currency, especially by the force of the North American Free Trade Agreement. 北美地区在北美自由贸易协定的推动下,美元进一步巩固了在该地区的国际货币地位。